The Royal United Services Institute - Vancouver Society

The Royal United Services Institute - Vancouver Society (RUSI) was formed in 1921 as a military institute. Subsequently, the membership was expanded to include officers of the Navy, Air Force and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). During World War II, the name was changed to the United Services Institute of Vancouver. In 1989, Royal assent was granted to change the title to the “The Royal United Services Institute - Vancouver”. In 2011, RUSI Vancouver was formally registered under the BC Society Act and became the "Royal United Services Institute - Vancouver Society ".
An item that is prominent on our agenda is the recognition of the men and women in our military and police forces who guard the peace we enjoy and provide for the security of our nation. Being a member of RUSI Vancouver adds weight to our collective voice when we need to speak on behalf of our service people; and your membership in the institute adds to our visibility when examining or addressing issues of the day.
The Royal United Services Institute - Vancouver Society has established this web site so that we can keep our membership informed about activities and events. The web site is a “work in progress”. Like many other web sites, it is destined to evolve. We welcome the visit to our site of non-members and the members of other institutes.