Our Aim
The Royal United Services Institute - Vancouver Society seeks to promote informed and balanced debate on strategic and national security issues by providing a forum for information and discussion within the community of the Greater Vancouver Area and the Lower Fraser Valley. RUSI Vancouver is a non-political organization which fulfills its aim through:
- Supporting the development and maintenance of effective national security and defence policies;
- Reviewing and researching security and defence matters; preparing and presenting briefs, position papers and policy proposals to government and other organizations;
- Working to help to ensure that the public is correctly informed on matters relating to national security and defence;
- Promoting a collegial spirit and comradeship among our members, and providing a forum for discussion and exchange of views on matters of interest.
Origin (Established in 1831)
The United Services Institutes had their origin in 1831 in Great Britain, when the then British Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington, founded the Naval and Military Library and Museum in London for the study and advancement of professional knowledge in the Armed Services. This became The Royal United Services Institute.
Canadian Origin (Established in 1833)
In Canada, an inaugural meeting to establish a United Services Club for Upper Canada was held at York, U.C. on Monday October 7, 1833 by a number of military and naval officers. It is believed there were about 400 officers in the province that would decidedly support the club. The governor sanctioned the formation of the institute. Dr. William (Tiger) Dunlop and Colonel Light presided at the inaugural meeting.
RUSI VANCOUVER (Established in 1921)
RUSI Vancouver was formed in 1921 as a military institute. Subsequently, the membership was expanded to include officers of the Navy, Air Force and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). During World War II, the name was changed to the United Services Institute of Vancouver. In 1989, Royal assent was provided to change the title to the “Royal United Services Institute Vancouver”. In 2011, RUSI Vancouver was formally registered under the BC Society Act becoming the Royal United Services Institute - Vancouver Society and opened membership to all ranks.
The fellowship and camaraderie generated among the members of The Royal United Services Institute - Vancouver Society are a part of the attraction of being associated with the Institute. We always welcome new members who have retired from service in our military as well as police and emergency services personnel and we enjoy the participation in our activities by the men and women on active duty. We also benefit from the participation and contribution of associate members who join us from business, industry and government. This varied membership provides the institute with a unique opportunity for social interaction and the exchange of points of views.
All who join our membership share a common view of fostering responsible military and non-military initiatives and strategies designed to promote and sustain domestic and global security.
We live in the best place on earth and have little to complain about when compared to other places on this planet. Our comfortable political and social environment has not just evolved but it has come about through the earnest desire of many citizens who have worked to improve conditions locally, regionally and nationally. As members of RUSI Vancouver, we sense a responsibility to continue to promote a stable and peaceful environment for our values to flourish. Our members recognize that the maintenance of our Canadian principles and values are important as the basis for ensuring a secure social and economic future for all.
An item that is prominent on our agenda is the
recognition of the men and women in our military and police forces
who guard the peace we enjoy and provide for the security of our
nation. Being a member of RUSI Vancouver adds weight to our
collective voice when we need to speak on behalf of our service
people; and your membership in the institute adds to our visibility
when examining or addressing issues of the day.